Monday, February 18, 2008

From Hobby to Business...

Most of you reading this post know my sister-in-law, Jennifer Reynolds. Like many of us these days she is pulled in a zillion different directions.
From wife and sister to employee and mother-of-three, Jennifer has a lot on her plate. For the
past ten years she has enjoyed taking pictures of her kids, family vacations and any other event that warrants photos. All along teaching herself how to become a better photographer and
experimenting with the
camera. I'm happy to say that this year she has decided to start a family business: J.Reynolds Photography. I hope you'll all take a minute to go onto her website and wish her well on this exciting new adventure! I know she appreciates feedback, too so chime in where you see fit.
Chris and I were actually scheming this weekend about ways we could get involved with all of you photography genius. He's decided we'll get Jenn and Adam to partner with Jennifer and he and I can do the sales and big happy family!
Actually, I could be the in-home (or office) childcare provider while all of you shoot, sale, market, etc : ) Yes-I like that even better!

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you what is bound to be a great adventure for Jennifer and the family. Much success for J. Reynolds photography and what the future has to hold! I look forward to watching this family business grow into a cash-cow...I'm just kidding : ) I hope she will really enjoy this new chapter in life.

As for the Fraser Family, we're all doing just fine. Chris has completed his second week of training and had loads of homework this weekend. As a Sysco Food Rep he's learning the good, the bad and the really disgusting things to avoid while out to eat. Yesterday morning he proceeded to tell a random woman NOT to eat the corn beef hash in the buffet line in front of him..."it's the worst possible choice for meat". I think she appreciated the information?? I thought it was hilarious!

My parents drove in on Saturday afternoon and will be here through this weekend. The kids are doing great and really enjoying time with "Mammie & Papaw". It's nice to have them at the house and it gives Chris and I a bit of a break and allows us more flexibility to run. Speaking of running, we completed a half-marathon this weekend! WOO HOO! My "long run" was suppose to be 12 miles but in mapping it out, my husband left out a few miles so we ended up running 14 miles on Saturday night. It was a beautiful run from Mt. Vernon all the way into D.C., around the monuments and back home. We learned some valuable lessons on the run such as: 14 miles is a long way, it's dark at night, take water and drink water! You're doing something wrong if you're not learning every day : )

Have a great week and thanks for checking in!


Jennifer's website:

Monday, February 11, 2008

Morgan's New Haircut

Morgan is all girl...that's really all that can be said about it! Long before she was talking in complete sentences, she was sitting like a "big girl" getting flowers painted on her fingers and toes.

A few weeks ago, with a little persuasion, she decided to go to Nana's salon and get a fancy new haircut (and flowers on her fingers and toes). Barb's stylist-Miss Ruby Devine-was the perfect choice-she was great with her and took some very cute pictures of the big event.
Although it's hard to see our babies growing up so quickly, they make us laugh every day with their antics and big conversations...and as Morgan couldn't be any more girly-Grant is exactly what you'd expect the "typical boy" to be like. He is forever going where he shouldn't, climbing where he shouldn't, eating what he shouldn't. It's amazing to see how different two kids could possibly be...they do have one thing in common-they are the most sweet and loving kids you may ever meet.
Life is good!

With Chris' first week of work came long days, longer nights and a couple of kids who really miss their daddy. He's been commuting an hour each way and will continue for 5 weeks. On the weekends, he's still maintaining his real estate career! Busy times! Thanks to everyone for keeping us in your thoughts through these last couple of months-once we figure out how to manage this crazy schedule we'll be on track!

Love to all,
Brittany & Chris

Friday, February 1, 2008

We have returned...

February '07 was the last time you heard from clan Fraser but we have vowed to make a change in '08! We'll be posting once a week (on Sundays) and would love to get our fan-base back. So many awesome things have happened in the last year. Grant went from crawling to walking and talking and big-girl panties and skiing for Morgan! This has truly been a fun and exciting year for all. We'd love to try and catch everyone up on all that's been going on but I think we should be realistic here...

On December 29th we traveled to Wolf Creek, Colorado for Christmas vacation with my family. It was the first time back to the mountains for Chris and I since we left in 2004. Ski conditions were great and the house we rented was the perfect Rocky Mountain retreat...then what Chris has so poignantly described as the "Slim Fast Virus" attacked the masses. Chris and I collectively lost 18 pounds...but we promptly found them when we returned home : (
Morgan (Haley, Ben and Sydney) along with Mr. Handsome all had a great time just being out in the snow. We took some amazing footage of Morgan's first time on the slopes and she was a natural! Chris and I had the best time going up and down the mountain with our little snow bunny.

Of course we had to take time out to watch the Fiesta Bowl while in Colorado! Here's the family in their Oklahoma best getting ready to root on those Sooners!

And Morgan couldn't get enough of her cousin, Sean while at the Christmas dinner table making this shot the winner of "Cutest Kissin' Cousins". We wish we could see more of our family scattered out all over the country. Hopefully these posts will help us stay connected.
Love to all,
Britt, Chris, Morgan & Grant