Ok, so we've fallen a bit behind BUT I'm certain it's keeping our readers wanting more! This post is all about March Madness (not basketball)but simply MADNESS in the Fraser household. Among fundraising, running, working and just living, we've managed to have a great March and we're anxiously awaiting the transition to Spring weather. Chris has finished his 6-week training in Maryla
nd and Monday marks his third week "on the road". The kids are growing exponentially and there's lots of activities and events planned for the summer. First and foremost, Morgan is going to summer school. That's right, you just can't start 'em early enough! I'm teasing BUT s
he will actually be going to a 6-week summer school put on by the city of Alexandria and she's quiet excited! This morning , in fact, I got her dressed in a very cute outfit and she asked "Do I go to school"? I said not this time but soon. She promptly went to her room, put on her backpack and said "I go to school, can you drive me-I can't drive"! It was hilarious! She really does get funnier every day. Grant is talking so much more and manages to get into whatever trouble is available!
His favorite word is
"Choc- mat-milk" and he asks for it all the time!
Today marks the last day I'll be working a full-time job and I don't know about the rest of the family but I'm totally pumped! I plan on spending the summer playing with the kids, taking them to school, tumbling and the park and having an otherwise lovely time with them. They are growing up so fast it will truly be a p
leasure (and a challenge) to afford the ability to be with them at this stage...afford is a funny word...I will be doing some part-time work and temping as well. I'm also in the process of getting my Real Estate license so Chris and I will be one step closer to his ultimate goal...working as a "team" selling houses
and traveling to see our friends and family as often as possible...so pencil us in on your calendars (and keep us in mind if you know anyone buying or selling a property ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY) : ) It will certainly be an interesting transition for all parties involved!
This week marks the Countdown to Nashville! Our longest run of the training is 20 miles and it's coming up on Saturday! After that, we taper down until the big event. It looks like I'm going to raise the $3,000 I committed to and then some thanks to the help of Barb and all my great neighbors and friends! Even people I'd never met before contributed to my fundraising efforts--it has truly been an amazing experience and I'm certain one that Chris and I will never forget!
Until next time,
Brittany, Chris, Morgan & Grant